Thursday, September 30, 2010

10 days and counting. . .

Welcome to JonngirlonaMission!

I will be leaving for my missions trip to Debre Zeyit, Ethiopia in 10 days.  I can't believe that it is so close!  I started planning this trip at the end of January and 9 LONG months later it is right around the corner.  I will be going to serve the children at the Adana Children's Center that is run by Blessing the Children Inc. ( 

God has placed missions/outreach so strongly on my heart and while I have been able to do this in Anderson to some extent, I am so looking forward to the opportunity to do God's will in Africa.  Mark 16:15 ("And then he told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.") really speaks to me and God's calling on my life. 

I don't know why God has chosen me as His helper in spreading His word.  I have spent most of my life being completely self-absorbed and ignorant to the sufferings of people around me.  If I did happen to give time, money, or possessions to someone else it usually was a family member or a friend of a friend; never did I go completely out of my way to help a stranger.  And I NEVER gave so much of myself that I left myself "uncomfortable".  I would only give of what I might have "left-over".  But, thankfully, God has been working on me and He has been helping me to rid myself of these selfish thoughts and actions.  Matthew 25:45 "And he will answer, 'I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me'."  Wow, that is a sobering thought, isn't it? 

I have been busy the last few weeks or so collecting items to take to the babies and teens over in Ethiopia.  In my mission's trip packet I found out that they are in desperate need of Children's vitamins, dry erase markers, children's clothes and shoes, twin sheet sets, and towels.  I asked a few people at my church to help me in gathering these supplies and I have been so touched by the items and even money that have been given to me so I can take them to Ethiopia.  My dad's church in North Carolina has been collecting items also, I am so touched that a church that I am not even a member of would go out of their way to gather items for me so I can pass them along to those precious babies!  I have learned that when you choose to follow God's will, no matter how crazy it sounds, He will make it all come together.

My sister and I got up early one Saturday morning and went "yard-saling" and got lots of kid's clothes for a great price.  I had never been to a yard sale before so she had to show me what to do because I was confused as to why there were no prices!! :)

So the "crazy" part of all of this, is that I am going on this trip with all strangers.  My family is a bit nervous about this but I have complete faith in what God is doing. . .this has been a "God" thing right from the start in the way that it all came together and in the way that I had time to save just the right amount of money to fund the trip.  I will be meeting up with the rest of the group during my layover at Dulles Airport.  When we get to Ethiopia, pastors of the local churches that are affiliated with the orphanage will be there to pick us up. 

I ask that you please pray for my safe travels on this trip, but more importantly, that God use me to be a blessing to the people of Debre Zeyit.  I will update this blog while on my trip.  There are internet cafes that I will be able to use, however, I don't know how often.  When I get there I will announce my arrival in lieu of sending out emails. 

I am so pumped to see what God is up to!!
