Today is “Irecha Rite” day here in Ethiopia. This is a day that people that practice witchcraft gather around Lake Hora here in Debre Zeit and worship the lake. Ethiopia is full of people that worship the devil. A lot of them (especially people from the Oromo tribe) gather on this day to join together and celebrate their idol, Lake Hora, and offer her sacrifices in hopes that she will improve their life and/or situation for the next year.
People offer sacrifices such as: animals, expensive whisky, a traditional drink, etc. In the past it is said that people sacrificed children to their god. It is unclear whether or not this still happens but some people believe that it does.
Obviously, the Protestant Christians in Ethiopia hate this holiday. Many Christians here carry a great burden for the people that follow this religion. For the week prior to Irecha Rite day Christians climbed Couch Mountain in Debre Zeit to pray over their city. Mussie and I wanted to participate more in this activity but due to not having early-early morning babysitters, the first week of school and my being sick we were only able to participate one day. Looking back we probably could have tried harder to overcome some of these obstacles. Next year, I will make more of an effort to attend the mountain prayer every day.
Mussie and I dropped Fiker and Rebirra off with Asaua at 5:30am on Thursday and left with Michelle, Kiara, and Lydia and headed off to the mountain. We walked approximately 2 miles until we found a taxi that would take us closer to the mountain. We reached the mountain peak at 6:45am just as the sun was coming up. Everyone broke off either by themselves or into smaller groups and prayed for Debre Zeit. We then all gathered into one group and sang songs and prayed together.
It was a great feeling to sit with Mussie on top of this beautiful mountain, sing worship songs together, and pray together for our city. And, it was so powerful to be standing on top of God’s creation and pray for the people that have succumbed to a false religion of worshipping creation. From our vantage point we could see the whole town and I prayed that God’s Truth would be recognized by the whole, entire town.
Lord God I pray that you open the eyes of Debre Zeit. Many people in this town live in the clutches of Satan. This town, this country is full of false religions, false teachers, and people that live in untruth and darkness. Lord God, I pray for the people today that are worshiping Lake Hora. I pray that even in their ignorance you keep them safe from today’s activities. Satan wants today to be a prosperous day for him-he wants to see people die. He wants to see people worship someone other than you. He wants people to make empty sacrifices and believe false truths-anything to keep them from You. I pray that you awaken them, soften their hearts, open their eyes so they can see You, open their ears so they can hear You. I especially pray for the children that are being raised in this false religion. Guard their hearts so they don’t turn like stone against you. Lord, I pray for the Christians of Debre Zeit to rise up and proclaim your glory. I pray for strength so we can be your light in the darkness that surrounds us.