A part of our ministry is hosting a monthly Fun Day for children. We invite our Sunday School children and community children to attend this event. We don’t only want this event to be open to our church kids, but we want it to be open to kids in the neighboring community. After all, we are meant to reach outside of the church doors to spread the Gospel. And right outside our doors are children who do not know who Jesus is.
This past Saturday we held one of these events and boy did we have fun! We had about 40 children attend this time. Each time we have a Saturday Fun Day, the numbers of children grow, praise God! We had games, singing, a message, a meal, and cake. We went outside of the church compound to play games in the open area around the church. This attracted more community children and we invited them to play with us. Everyone had such a great time!
We then had all the children come back inside the church (we invited the community children inside, and they came!) and Mussie preached a wonderful message about Joy. He tied the message into Christmas and how Jesus came not only to save us from our sins but to bring us Joy. He explained how Joy is different from happiness and your Joy comes from Christ alone, regardless of your current situation.
Then we served the meal that my family had prepared. We want to instill a spirit of servanthood into our children and we don’t want our ministry to just be Mussie and me. We are a family, so our ministry is the whole families’. All three of our children did a great job of preparing the huge meal and serving the other children on the day of the event. I was so proud of them!
Enjoy a few pics from our fun-filled day.