Friday, September 2, 2011

One month from today!

I know it sounds cliche' but time really has flown by.  I remember when the "announcement" was made in February that I was moving to Ethiopia, I kept thinking "8 months is so far away-I want to go now!".  Well, the time is almost here and I CAN'T believe it!!

I spent the month of August in Texas visiting family and I had an awesome time.  It was nice to get away from home and hang out with family that I love.  I also made new friends and I am so grateful for another "arm" of support in this adventure.

I have so much to do to get ready but the biggest thing is that I have to get my Ethiopian Visa.  I appreciate prayers for a quick, problem-free turn-around.  I am constantly amazed at how God is putting all of this together so I have faith that the Visa process will not be a problem.

Many things about my life in Ethiopia are still up in the air but I know God has all of the details worked out.  God has been completely amazing during this process.  I have definitely learned that if we just take a step of faith, God will carry us the rest of the way.

I know that I have friends and family that aren't as excited about this adventure as I am, and that hurts, but I have to just walk in faith that God has a plan for us all.  I will keep everyone updated on this journey!  THANK you so much for the prayers and financial support!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo!!! I'm so excited for you, Jonnett.
