Ethiopia is still great! So I mentioned in the previous post that a family from New Zealand just recently moved to Ethiopia to serve with BCI, Michelle, the mother, and I have been spending some time together getting to know each other and sharing our visions for service here. She is teaching art at the school and trust me, God definitely hasn't given me the vision to serve in that area! However, we do have some overlapping visions. God gave both of us the visions, before we arrived, to start a Bible study amongst the local women. We had a "getting to know you" meeting last night for the moms to attend and 31 women showed up!! We introduced ourselves to them and shared our visions for the study with them. We then asked them what they wanted to gain from it and when they would like to meet. Please pray that God blesses this new endeavor and that we may learn from these women. I am so blessed to be a part of their lives and I can not wait to fellowship with them in Bible study!
Michelle and I both had the vision of starting a Bible club at the Academy. I am meeting with Mulugeta, BCI principal, tomorrow to get some more information about this and to see if this is something that the Academy would like to take on. Also, I am meeting with him tomorrow to discuss me teaching Music Theory to the older children. This is a little bit out of my comfort zone but I know if it is of God, then He will bless it.
Also, today, Goldy (BCI social worker) asked me to give English lessons to Besa. Besa is in the process of being adopted and Goldy wants her English skills to improve before she moves to America. It sounds like I am going to be busy!!
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