Who to help? That is a question I ask myself almost every day. I have sponsors that support me living and serving in Ethiopia. When I use that money, I feel a huge obligation to make sure that I use it wisely and in the way that God wants me to. I feel pressure to honor God and the person that gave it. I constantly worry that I will make a mistake and waste the money. That I will bless someone with the money and they will take advantage of me and the money will be wasted.
I use a lot of the money for food, milk, and rent for certain children and families. I feel that this isn’t wasted as it makes the children stronger and makes sure they have a roof over their heads. But when I feel led to spend “bigger” amounts. . . this is when I start to second guess my actions.
Let’s face it, some people know how to use the system. They know just what to say to get you to give them money. They really know how to talk up their sorrows and also try to convince you that they will make good use of the money.
But you have those select few that are already trying to help themselves and their families with what little they have. They aren’t sitting around waiting for a hand-out. These are the people that I want to help. There is one woman in particular that I really, really want to help start a cafe. Most of you already know of her. You can read her story here: http://jonngirlonamission.blogspot.com/2010/10/i-have-been-back-in-sc-for-4-days-now.html
Seble is one of those women who makes good use of everything that God gives her. She has been buying things and saving up over time in preparation to open this cafe. She hasn’t just been sitting around waiting for someone to knock on her door and say “I heard you wanted to open a cafe. Here is some cash”.
I met with her about a month ago to find out more about what she has in mind for this cafe. I found out the things that she already has prepared and the things that she is still lacking.
I went back this week with some friends of mine from Canada that have a mind for business so they could talk to her and see if I have missed anything. I also wanted them to get a feel for her because I have had an attachment to Seble since I first met her so I didn’t want my judgement to be swayed by my love for her.
We discussed more business detailed things with her and asked her to write up a business plan. She is more than willing to do this. Please pray for me that the Lord would show me if, and in what capacity, He would have me to help her.