Sunday, September 25, 2011

One week to go

Guess what?!?!?!  I leave for Ethiopia one week from today!  I am so excited that the time has finally come and I absolutely can not wait!!!!!!!!!!!!  But at the same time it is so bittersweet to think about leaving my family, Anderson, and my HPC family.  I really wasn't expecting to be so emotional about leaving.  I had been concentrating so much on the excitement of this new adventure and knowing that I am going exactly where God wants me to go that I didn't even consider how I would feel about leaving.  I have had some very emotional days.  Days where I was so sad all I did was lay on the couch.  Some days it has been exhausting just to take a shower.

There was a period of about 7 years of my life that I was utterly convinced that people didn't care about me.  That people would be better off if I wasn't around so I wouldn't be a burden on them.  There was a time when I felt so alone.  I have never felt as loved as I do in Anderson, SC and at High Praises Church.  God has blessed me with so many people that love me, care for me, and truly want the best for me.  He has blessed me with people that, even though they will miss me, has helped me to realize God's calling for my life.  I realize now that this is why it is so emotional for me to leave.  It's not because I am second guessing God's will or because deep-down I don't really want to go.  It's because God has blessed me with so many people that, not only do I so deeply love, but that love me the same in return and I am going to miss that so much.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Overwhelmed by clothes!!

I am overwhelmed. . .in a great way!  Before I quit working at my secular job in July, a teammate approached me and said that she wanted to do a clothing drive and ask teammates in our region to donate kids and teen clothing.  I got back from Texas and Sherry, the teammate whose idea it was to do the clothing drive, called me and said that her office and adjoining work area were packed with clothes.  We set up a time for me to come in to the office to start sorting through the clothes.

Well, I walked in her office this past Tuesday and stopped in my tracks.  I just stood there and stared at piles, and piles, and boxes, and more boxes of clothes, shoes, and school supplies.  Sherry then told me to turn around.  When I did, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  In the adjoining work area near her office were more bags of clothes!!  To say I was overwhelmed would be putting it mildly.

I am really at a loss for words at the generosity of my former teammates.  What is most amazing about this, is that Sherry opened up this opportunity to the whole region and outside of the offices right here in Anderson, I don't know most of the region, nor do they know me.  But God allowed all of these people to come together to bless the precious children of Debre Zeyit and for that I am so very grateful.

I don't have children of my own, but now I know what parents mean when they say that when someone blesses their child it in turn blesses them.  These children in the BCI program are my babies and when they are blessed I am blessed beyond measure.

THANK YOU SO MUCH to my wonderful teammates at SunTrust!  Remember-"Solid Gives Back".

Friday, September 2, 2011

One month from today!

I know it sounds cliche' but time really has flown by.  I remember when the "announcement" was made in February that I was moving to Ethiopia, I kept thinking "8 months is so far away-I want to go now!".  Well, the time is almost here and I CAN'T believe it!!

I spent the month of August in Texas visiting family and I had an awesome time.  It was nice to get away from home and hang out with family that I love.  I also made new friends and I am so grateful for another "arm" of support in this adventure.

I have so much to do to get ready but the biggest thing is that I have to get my Ethiopian Visa.  I appreciate prayers for a quick, problem-free turn-around.  I am constantly amazed at how God is putting all of this together so I have faith that the Visa process will not be a problem.

Many things about my life in Ethiopia are still up in the air but I know God has all of the details worked out.  God has been completely amazing during this process.  I have definitely learned that if we just take a step of faith, God will carry us the rest of the way.

I know that I have friends and family that aren't as excited about this adventure as I am, and that hurts, but I have to just walk in faith that God has a plan for us all.  I will keep everyone updated on this journey!  THANK you so much for the prayers and financial support!