Saturday, October 9, 2010

SOOOOO excited!!!

I fly out of Greenville tomorrow at 2:35pm and I can't wait!!!  The fam came over to help me pack and to celebrate Kevin's birthday.  Unfortunately, there was very little celebration for his bday but there definitely was celebrating and talking about how good God is. 

Last week I was worried that I didn't have enough stuff to fill 3-50 pound suitcases so I got onto CraigsList and started looking for cheap kids clothes and shoes to take with me.  I found some good deals and even emailed a few people to ask more questions about their posts.  I posted a status on FaceBook that same day asking for kids clothes and I also put in my blog that I was planning on taking things to the kids over there.  That following Sunday at church I was given:

a 38 gallon trash bag of clothes
2 boxes of clothes
one kitchen sized trash bag of clothes
vitamins and dry-erase markers
a check

Monday I was given:

a WalMart bag of boys and girls undies and socks
a WalMart bag over-flowing with little boy shoes
a kitchen sized bag of towels
a box of towels
a WalMart bag of little boy clothes


a kitchen sized bag of clothes

3 kitchen sized bags of clothes


a WalMart bag of clothes

2 boxes of clothes
5 or 6 sets of twin sheets
a kitchen sized bag of clothes
a smaller bag with toothbrushes and vitamins

And prior to this past week I had been given a check and 5 or 6 WalMart bags full of vitamins, dry-erase markers, crayons, gluesticks, bandaids, toothbruses, toothpaste, floss, and other various items. 

How awesome is our God?  I mean, really?  Today we packed 4-50lb suitcases and half of my carry-on bag all with donations!!  I put my personal clothes in one of those space saver bags that you suck the air out of and it compressed down to where it only filled my carry-on bag halfway so I had the rest of the bag to stuff in more donations.  I used those space saver bags to pack all of the clothes, towels, and sheets into the 4 other suitcases.  I was so amazed at how much stuff we were able to pack.  There were only a few items left over that we didn't have room for and those will be given to people that truly need them.

Thank you to all of the people who gave me items to take to Ethiopia.  I am more grateful and touched then I can put into words.  I also want to thank all of the people that are praying for me on this trip.  I can't wait to see what is in store for me in Ethiopia!!  I want to see how God is going to use me.  Because I know that He isn't taking me half-way across the world just to use me in a so-so way.  I know that it is going to be HUGE!

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